The Intersection of Marriage and Business

As you are preparing for marriage and operating a business takes time but it is so easy to get caught up in the glitz and glam of everything. As I have been operating Kingsskid and preparing for marriage I have noticed some jewels at the intersection, that I would like to share.

28 Jewels .. I AM THANKFUL FOR

Each Thanksgiving, I am always excited; I love the holidays; last Thanksgiving, I wasn't too thankful because I knew I would have to return to a job that I did not thoroughly enjoy. I saw many things through the lens of a place of employment that made me unfilled.

Oh, how the times I have changed from last year to this year. Hence, I am sharing 28 Jewels I AM THANKFUL FOR; these are not in any order precisely.

Do You Trust God.. to work on your behalf?

2020 has positioned us in a way where we have no other option but to trust God. We have the science, we have the strategies of what we should do, we have projections but only God knows when the #rona will pass, only God knows when the job market will settle down, only God knows what my friendships and finances will turn our to be only God knows the end of what all Kingsskid will evolve to be. Only God Knows. Trusting God means that you are partnering with him for him to add his super to your natural - it doesn't give you a pass to be passive in your fulfilling the promise he has for you.

The Original Jewel Dropper: Emmett Lee King

I always say Dr. Dre drop beats but I drop jewels… Jewels of knowledge and wisdom. I wouldn’t dare try to take all the credit. #OnTheBlog I introduce to come and re-introduce to others my grandfather Emmett Lee King who was the original jewel dropper, it was nothing for him to pull out the gifts you have and make you feel as though you are on top of the world and as for me, I want to do the same for Kngsskid, it is my prayer that Kingsskid becomes the guide for personal growth and professional development. A place for us to not just get crowned in life but to stay crowned and to educate others on how to do the same.

The Meaning of May: Emmett Lee King

May has a new meaning in the Royal Court of Kingsskid! I want to use May as a month to share the jewels of knowledge and wisdom that my grandfather used to crown me to crown you. My grandfather may not be here physically to read the blog but he has been here guiding me before Kingsskid was ever on the world wide web and he is now as Kingsskid continues to grow.

The 4'A's of Stress Management

"The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another"

Expand your stress management toolkit by mastering these four strategies for coping with stress: avoid, alter, accept and adapt. When we feel the effects of stress weighing us down, it's like lugging a backpack that's becoming heavier by the minute. According to the Mayo Clinic and American Institute of Stress, there are 4 Strategies to Coping With Stress, those 4 Strategies consist of: avoid, alter, accept and adapt.

How Are You Defining Stress?

April is recognized as Stress Awareness Month!!

How Are You Defining Stress?

April is recognized as Stress Awareness Month- before we enter the month of April, I want to help you define the definition of stress. I want to provide a different perspective of stress a kingdom version of handling stress.

Stress has a way of planting its seed in our lives and life circumstances can have its way of watering the seed of stress causing it to grow and fester in our hearts, minds, homes and overall purpose that God has positioned us for.

2 Ways To Unplug On Vacation

According to an article on Fast Company "while checking work emails shows how dedicated you are to your job, not taking the time - off can make you less productive at work because you have not given your brain time to recharge.

Who Will You Believe?

The days leading up to my birthday were rough, I woke up on the day before my birthday feeling disqualified and not worthy.

In this blog, I transparently share jewels of knowledge and wisdom of how I overcame the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of rejection and reclaim my rightful place as a Kingsskid.

Doing A New Thing

Day 22 of Self Improvement Month task was to do something new, well I did a few things new!!

Check out the new blog reigning and video as I share my journey of doing some new things with you!

Stay Crowned Kings and Queens

My Hidden Conference Experience

This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend the Hidden Women's Conference hosted by Tabitha’s TEA Party, a non-profit whose mission is to Teach, Educate and Apply the word of God to their lives. Although this was a women's conference the message is applicable to men as well. God has had us hidden in a time or two of our lives. I realized that the hidden stage is similar to Kingsskid "cover" stage. It's the stage of revelation and preparation for your NEXT!