Do You Trust God.. to work on your behalf?

Do You Trust God.. to work on your behalf?

Do you trust God to work on your behalf not just in life but in your business, and career?  

Let me be clear this year has been the year of God showing himself to me in my life, relationships, finances, and career. This year has forced me to trust God especially after I have done all I could do in my human strength. I'm sharing 4 jewels, that God has crowned me with by working on my behalf.  

  • Life - 2020 has caught us all for a loop, I honestly was not interested in 2020 because I knew after Christmas I would have to return to a job where I lacked fulfillment. The Coronavirus took the world by storm all while experiencing continued blatant and systematic racism. The world woke up and I was proud not to just be able to read about the moments but to live in this creating spaces for people to be vulnerable and provide strategies to effectively live in the midst of this. We didn't know what 2020 held but God did and that gave me a sense of peace that surpassed all understanding. Because of all that we experienced in 2020, we will never be the same or go back to normal, because let's be honest normal wasn't working

  • Relationships: My relationships have hit a deeper level of rawness and realness. My friends and I create spaces for each other to cry, pray, strategize, cover, and crown each other. This year required us to lean on each other like never before and we are not afraid to say, " I am not okay." We are experiencing a deeper level of vulnerability.

  • Finances: Whew child... as you all know I was laid off from my job but we never lacked, although we had 1 source of income we were able to save, give and pay tithes consistently, we went frand om 2 incomes to 1 income God isn't a God of addition or subtraction he is a God a multiplication and he has done just that multiplied the way we give to ourselves, others and those in which we serve.

  • Career: Yall.... this one has been tough, I have questioned whether or not I should be corporate, whether I should be making this career change during a pandemic, or even if I was qualified and each time over and over again God has shown me that he has my best interest and I need to trust him. This is the first time where I had to give my career over to him because I did all I could do.

  • Kingsskid- The visions that God has given me for Kingsskid have blown my mind, as the collaborations, and the support of people that have said yes. Kingsskid is more than just a blog it is what God used to help me transition my career it's what has stretched me. Kingsskid has grown within the last few months it's my prayer that it continues to grow but this is not because of my credentials or anything its because I have allowed God to be the CEO and I do whatever he tells me.

  • 2020 has positioned us in a way where we have no other option but to trust God. We have the science, we have the strategies of what we should do, and we have projections but only God knows when the #rona will pass, only God knows when the job market will settle down, only God knows what my friendships and finances will turn out to be only God knows the end of what all Kingsskid will evolve to be. Only God Knows

So I will ask again do you trust God to work on your behalf? If he did it for me, he can do it for you .. will you trust him?

28 Jewels .. I AM THANKFUL FOR

28 Jewels .. I AM THANKFUL FOR

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