What Inspires You To Push Yourself In Your Career?

When I seek alignment, I also find anointing. And where there is anointing, there is authenticity. I no longer push myself just to check a box or prove a point. I no longer strive just for the sake of saying, I did it. Instead, I push myself with intention, knowing that my presence in corporate spaces is not just about personal achievement—it’s about kingdom representation.

From Barriers to Bridges: Transforming Your Goals Through Belief

When we examine our beliefs and come to understand if we are building a bridge or barrier, we bloom into the fullness of who God has called us to be. This process requires breakthrough—overcoming the obstacles that keep us from fully embracing His will. It demands bravery to step out in faith, trusting that God will guide us through uncertainty. And as we grow, we become a beacon of His love and truth, shining His light for others to follow.

True to the Call: Consistency in Every Space

As we navigate Career Development Month, let’s reflect on the importance of being consistent in character, no matter where we are. Consistency isn’t just about ‘looking the part’—it’s about genuinely reflecting God’s grace and stability in every setting. When we’re anchored in Him, we’re empowered to show kindness, patience, and integrity even in challenging environments.

From Code-Switching to Kingdom-Minded

In a world pressuring us to conform, embracing God's anointing leads to true authenticity. Be genuine, avoid code-switching, admit when you don't know, and stay a lifelong learner. Authenticity invites God's presence into every aspect of our lives, empowering us to impact the world without pretense.

Productivity Shifts: Lessons in Flexibility and Faith

At the beginning of the summer, I found myself struggling with a lack of productivity that significantly impacted my goals and overall sense of accomplishment. Taking a deliberate step back, I engaged in deep reflection on my approach to goal-setting, contemplating the emotions and thoughts that accompanied it. Through prayer and journaling, I gained clarity that transitioning from my usual electronic calendar to a paper one was necessary for optimizing my time and stewardship.

Finding Your Voice in a World of Expectations

Navigating the pressure to code-switch can be challenging, especially when external expectations conflict with your authenticity. As a former HBCU Queen, I found success by blending my true voice with necessary revisions, demonstrating that staying authentic while meeting professional demands is not only possible but rewarding.

Why Deep Roots Matter: Navigating Workplace Frustrations with Spiritual Resilience

The Kingdom Leader knows who called them and what they are called to do, embracing their roots and the fruits of the Spirit. As Kingdom Leaders navigate corporate spaces, they plant seeds of love, joy, peace, and other virtues outlined in Galatians 5:22-23. Deeply rooted in their faith, they rise above common workplace frustrations such as poor communication and micromanagement. Instead, they lead with empathy, serving others and striving for excellence without compromising their values.

Positioned with Power

Deborah's position as a prophet is unique in that she was given the ability to teach truth and interrupt the word of God; these abilities enabled her to judge those arguments in a righteous manner.

Kingdom Minded Corporate Living

We are to consistently pursue an active and thriving lifestyle in Christ, one where freedom and grace are available for us to be Kingdom-Minded Corporate Living. The pursuit is full of twists and turns, trials and triumphs, it also requires your active participation to pursue purpose.

Navigating Christ and Corporate America (and Entrepreneurship)

The point I want to drive home is the fact that God wants to be included proactively on your journey in Corporate America and or Entrepreneurship not reactively. I want you to understand that God wants you to win. He wants you to win his way, winning God's way will always produce eternal fruit, a different level of endurance, and domination like no other.

Code Switching Isn't A Characteristic of Jesus

It's November, which is National Career Development Month; the National Career Development Association (NCDA) promotes career development through its annual celebration of National Career Development Month. Every November, career development professionals are encouraged to celebrate with career-related activities.

Holistic Approach to Protecting Your Crown

Your crown is one of the most critical aspects of your body. It's one of the central commands of your body. It possesses your ears(provide hearing), eyes( provide vision), mouth (eat, drink, speaking, singing ), and nose (smell).

The crown is one aspect of our body that provides functions for the rest of the body - we can't take that lightly. We must take the necessary precautions to protect our crown.