The Processing of Purpose

The Processing of Purpose

Welcome to my thoughts on the processing of purpose post-Kingdom Minded Corporate Living

Before Kingdom Minded Corporate Living- I had a moment.

I had a moment where I didn’t for the life of me – I couldn’t understand why God had chosen me for such an assignment. As I shared at our private dinner Friday night and Saturday the day of the event, many of the things I didn’t choose I thrive in


I didn’t choose this assignment, I told God if he gave it to someone else I would not have a hint of competition or comparison within me and he wouldn’t let up so he led me to write a mind map.  ( this is tool I use with my coaching clients) . A mind map serves as a visualization method and brainstorming aid that enables you to delve into a core concept and its interconnected subjects using a non-linear approach. I also know when its time for me to write a mind map there is a crucifixion about to happen. This crucifixion will require the dismantling of doubt, fear and every barrier that stands in the way and work that God wants to do will be removed.


On the day of the conference, I still didn’t know why God had chosen me for the assignment but I felt honored that he did pick me.


We walked into what God had inspired me to write


I am still processing all that happened and I wanted to drop a few jewels that will help you along your journey.


Some (many assignments ) will require you to birth within community because if God leaves it up to you to execute by yourself you manipulate or abort the mission

YES! We focus on that co-worker who gets on your nerves but the CROWNED LIFE  is for all situations how’s your heart posture towards that sibling who does the absolute most?

Purpose is revealed in partnership with the Holy Spirit, you don’t need a coach, counselor or preacher to tell you that you need to read your Bible and learn about Jesus Christ

My dependency on Gid with this assignment will require deeper intimacy with him.


We are in the month of September and what you can expect from me is more devotionals and blog and potentially even some videos. There is a fresh wind and fire to share what the planning, preparation and posturing that produced Kingdom Minded Corporate Living revealed about purpose. I also learned that with the processing of purpose two things happen, I realized that Jesus was truly proud and that we made an impact.  Check out the video “The Processing of Purpose.”

Are You Seeking To Make An Impact?

Are you pondering ways to create a meaningful influence, questioning your potential to make a difference, or seeking clarity on the impact you can achieve in the areas that God is calling you to? The CROWNED Life Coaching Continuum offers a solution tailored to your needs. We specialize in the process of recognizing and breaking down the limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from fully unleashing your potential to make an impact on the world. Let's get in touch and arrange your consultation today.

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