Now The Time Has Come ....

Taking your "Now is the Time" moment to the next level involves intentional steps in both your internal and external worlds. Internally, it's about the private space between you and God, where He sees the depths of your heart, including things you haven't yet discovered about yourself. When a shift occurs, this space is filled with peace or courage, but when you’re distant from that shift, doubt and worry can cloud your thoughts. Externally, this shift must align your mind, will, and emotions. It’s when you lift your head, take a deep breath, and decide to move forward despite the obstacles. One of the key steps is getting dressed—not just physically, but mentally. Even when you’re feeling sick or exhausted, changing your outfit to match your mindset is a symbol of readiness and productivity. Your attire varies depending on the season, but dressing with intention is always necessary. Finally, writing it out allows you to trace God’s faithfulness, showing how He has equipped and matured you along the way. Writing down your thoughts and emotions provides clarity and helps you reflect on the journey, solidifying your progress and trust in His plan.

The Battle Begins In Our Minds

This blog was originally written for the Release to God series on Brianna Grams' platform. Brianna is a fellow sister in faith, and we connected through Instagram sharing our journey of faith and family.

Vows to Victory: Tools to Thrive in Every Season

As I prayed about what to share for January, God prompted me to visit the lessons learned in marriage over the past year, which I typically share on social media in the days leading up to our anniversary. I hope these insights transcend the context of marriage and become tools you can apply to any season or role in your life.

The Crown is Yours: How to Win with God on Your Side

The field may be tough, and the opposition fierce, but with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit on your side, you are unstoppable. Catch the ball, run your race, and know that every victory brings glory to the One who has already declared you more than a conqueror. The play is yours—make it count.

Hope in the Midst of Change

Our trials, though painful, serve a greater purpose. God often uses seasons of suffering to refine us, stripping away anything outside His will so that Christ’s life can be seen more clearly in us. This doesn’t mean the pain disappears, but it becomes a tool for growth. Through these experiences, we can testify to His sustaining grace, offering hope to those who feel overwhelmed by their own challenges. 


The Dangers of Overworking: Creating Margin for the Messiah

You weren't meant to be on the go 24/7. The hustle culture may glorify busyness, but it often leads to burnout and diminished work quality. Embracing rest is essential for your spiritual health. Here are three reasons why creating space for God is crucial: avoiding burnout, enhancing work quality, and focusing on your inner growth rather than just productivity. Remember, it’s about who you’re becoming, not just what you’re achieving. If you’re struggling to prioritize rest, I’m here to help. Let’s create a personalized plan to ensure you're thriving spiritually while being productive.

How Competition and Comparison Intensify the Pressure to Code-Switch

Code-switching involves adapting one's language or communication style to fit into different social or cultural contexts, often driven by external pressures to conform. While this can be a useful skill, in competitive environments, it can lead to an exhausting and endless pursuit of an identity that isn't authentic. Meet Maria, a young professional who learns the hard way that constantly changing herself to meet corporate expectations leaves her feeling stressed and disconnected from her true self. Here are some strategies to help you reflect, identify, showcase, and empower your authentic self, breaking free from the pressure to conform.

Navigating Hardened Hearts: Insights, Impacts, and Ways Forward

Embark on a journey of healing and restoration with us as we navigate Hardened Hearts: Insights, Impacts, and Ways Forward. Whether you've felt the sting of hard-heartedness or witnessed its effects, this blog is for you. Dive deep into understanding the emotional toll, strained relationships, and spiritual impediments caused by hardened hearts. Discover the benefits of release and learn three essential steps to healing: acknowledgment, authenticity, and connection.

The Symphony Within: Discovering the Intrinsic Harmonies

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery: Unveiling the Symphony Within 🎶✨ Embrace the new year with a focus on nurturing your innermost self through faith, community, heart and soul care. Dive into intentional practices like breathing, journaling, and engaging with nature, and save the date for 'A REIGN ABOVE,' a transformative virtual event empowering Christian women in Corporate America. Let's create harmonious music amid life's chaos 🌟🎵 #

Are You Willing To Take The Steps?

He saw the vision when I couldn't! He saw the staircase when I couldn't even think about the first step. In the end and beginning of our vacation, I apologized for not being able to see the entire vision and thanked him for a much-needed vacation for us both.

The Breaking Produces The Blessing

For this milestone birthday, TEdra candidly shares her journey and reflections. She shares her resolve to choose faith over feelings to select the anointing of God to help her overcome anxieties. Her breaking has produced God's blessings in her life. Many events leading up to her birthday, many plans changed, and the changes were so frequent and drastic that she had to research the meaning of 30, so here it is!

A Letter To The Graduates

As I scroll down my timeline and see all the happy faces, flawless make -up, fresh haircuts and the variety of degrees and graduates. I cannot help but smile and scream my inner "yaaaassss." As I relive my graduations, knowing and understanding the weight lifted off your shoulder is a great feeling.


Excerpt: On October 6, 2017, I had the opportunity to be the speaker at an event I hold near and dear to my heart. That event was Miss Paul Quinn College Royalty Tea. I did not know what to speak and prayed that God gave me the right words to say. As I pondered what words to say, the word C.R.O.W.N.E.D was revealed to me. The acronym represented the things that I learned while I was a student at Paul Quinn College, during my reign as Miss Paul Quinn College and those things still serve me well to this day.

The Requirements for Refining

The refining process requires us to be great stewards of our time, talent, and treasures, and we must manage this process with the partnership. I am dropping jewels on 4R's that will help you help you on this CROWNED Life Journey.

STOP Compromising Your CROWN

Many times we compromise our crown in corporate spaces when negotiating products and services. #OnTheBlog I am dropping jewels on how to stop comprising your crown. Comprising your crown isn't conducive to the calling that God has on your life, it dismantles the destiny that God has for you.