Vows to Victory: Tools to Thrive in Every Season
At the close of each year, I step back from the operational demands of Kingsskid to rest, reflect, and realign with God. This year, however, He asked me to extend that time of rest from social media from December to February. Celebrations like Founder’s Day and my wedding anniversary made me initially hesitant, but I complied when I realized that would be getting two months of rest! I have reached a point in my life where I am not trying to willingly fight against what God has told me when I know the enemy plotting and scheming..
As I prayed about what to share for January, God prompted me to visit the lessons learned in marriage over the past year, which I typically share on social media in the days leading up to our anniversary. I hope these insights transcend the context of marriage and become tools you can apply to any season or role in your life.
Quiet Down the Noise
I cherish a quiet home—whether it’s stillness or soft instrumental music playing in the background. Listening to Myles Munroe or soothing music before bed calms my mind and puts me at ease. My husband noticed this and, even though he leaves before I wake up, he ensures the TV is playing prayers, nature sounds, or instrumental music. Though he prefers the news in the morning, on his days off, I know it’s time to rise if I can hear the newscasters. Waking up to the news disrupts my spirit, but his thoughtful adjustment to my morning routine means so much.
The key lesson here is permitting yourself to quiet the noise in your life. Our world is fast-paced, chaotic, and filled with distractions. Quiet can feel uncomfortable for some, but it’s a powerful tool for cultivating peace. In the stillness, clarity emerges, focus sharpens, and you can prioritize what truly matters.
I’ve learned that those who carry peace within themselves share peace with others, while those filled with chaos spread chaos. When I nurture peace in my heart, it overflows into my environment. As a result, my home becomes a sanctuary of rest not only for my husband and me but for everyone who visits. Guests often share how refreshed and at peace they feel after spending time in our home.
You, too, can partner with God to create an atmosphere of rest and restoration. It begins with quieting the noise that pulls your attention away from God’s call for you to take dominion. Make space for peace, and watch it transform your life and those around you.
The Fight for Faith and Focus
This year brought many moments that tested our faith and focus, offering plenty of chances to lose sight of both. Yet, we remained steadfast, holding each other accountable to the promises God has spoken over our lives. I won’t sugarcoat it—there were days my husband tested my patience, and I know I tested his. But taking a break to regroup is okay, as long as you get back in the fight. The stakes are higher than just the present moment—it's about becoming the person God is shaping you to be.
In many cases it’s not about what you feel but the faithfulness that God is using to cultivate within you.
Through this perseverance, we’ve broken unhealthy belief patterns, established stronger boundaries, and grown in unity. Importantly, we’ve learned not to fight against each other but to confront the spiritual forces that try to disrupt us. Our commitment to God who is greater than ourselves keeps us anchored. In tough seasons, I remind my husband, “I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else but you.” Those words hold us together as we continue to fight for what God has called us to build.
Stewarding Your Assignments with Accountability and Wisdom
We each have God-given assignments that require our stewardship and accountability. Marriage is an assignment. Discipling my family is an assignment. Kingsskid is an assignment. My career is an assignment. Whatever roles we hold, we are called to fulfill these responsibilities with intentionality and purpose.
Accountability is crucial for success in these assignments. God places people in our lives not only to hold us accountable but also to help carry the load.
In Exodus 18:13-27, Jethro advised Moses to appoint capable men who feared God, valued truth and rejected greed to serve as leaders over various groups. This structure allowed Moses to endure the demands of his role while ensuring peace among the people.
Moses had to recognize that trying to handle everything alone was unsustainable. Jethro provided clarity, wisdom, and a strategy for delegation, enabling Moses to fulfill his assignment effectively. Similarly, we must invite people into our lives who can offer accountability, wisdom, and support. But be cautious—those who are not aligned with God’s wisdom and truth may create confusion and hinder your progress.
Who are you allowing to speak into your life and help you fulfill your God-given assignments? The right accountability can transform the weight of your responsibilities into an opportunity for growth and alignment with God’s purpose.
It Goes By Fast
How long have you known each other? Since 2012.
How long have you been married? Four years—but it feels like a lifetime in the best way.
Time truly does fly. Some moments feel like they stretch the years in profound ways, as the depth of experiences adds layers to our journey together. I know trials will come because Jesus assures us in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Since trials and sorrows are inevitable, I’ve learned not to create unnecessary ones for myself. Instead, I focus on using the time I have to build memories that will outlast a lifetime. I choose moments of laughter, peace, and stillness over unnecessary conflict or distractions.
Did we get everything perfect in 2024? Absolutely not. But we were committed to growth and getting better—with God leading the way. Each year is another opportunity to lean into His grace and build something beautiful together.
Here’s to anniversary week—a celebration of love, growth, and all that God has done and will continue to do!