All in Professional Development

4 Jewels To Develop Confidence in Advocating For Your Professional Development

Advocating for yourself can be hard, especially in Corporate America, however it is necessary for you to know and recognize your development needs before putting your careers in the hands of others. Your career is your responsibility, you are your own Career Executive Officier. In this blog, I share 4 Jewels, that will assist you in developing confidence in advocating for your professional development.

What Are You Chasing?

On this blog, T’Edra shares how observing her fiance’s career journey has helped her gain a clear perspective on her career. She is learning through watching him that it's not ao much about the money or title change in your position. It's truly about being in a place that will allow you to make the biggest impact. That impact is allowing Christ to shine through whatever you do. Her fiance’' has declined roles because those roles were not in alignment with what he was seeking and they would not have allowed him the type of freedom he desired. Chasing money and a title change can bring much frustration, but chasing the place where people can experience much more of God through you brings eternal treasures and rewards to you.

My First Remote Team Assignment

My mom, dad and sister was my first official remote team the skills I learned and enhanced from that experience and throughout my Master’s program are transferable to my corporate career (although I am new to the industry of Human Resources, I have the foundation and experiences to expand on – when the opportunity comes in my career for a remote team assignment I am confident and equipped)

40 Magazine Feature: How To Prepare for a 1:1 with Your Manager

In Corporate America, preparing for your one-on-one can be exhausting and daunting. In Intentional Living: the Anthology, I shared how I had the worst one-on-one performance review with my manager. He told me that it would take at least 10 years to get into the industry that I love. In actuality, it took me one degree and 18 months to get into Human Resources.

The Voyage Dallas Feature

Today we’d like to introduce you to T’Edra Jackson.

T’Edra, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
Being the grand-daughter of the late Emmett Lee King, my grandfather taught my sister and me the importance of continuously educating yourself. There was a moment where I forgot all those lessons and lost my way. At that moment, I experienced brokenness, heartache, depression, and low self-esteem.

How To Turn Your Internship Into a Full-time Job Opportunity

Lets TALK !!! Your gifts skills, talents and experiences are not for YOU. You are the vehicle (vessel) that God uses to advance his kingdom and serve others ( God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts-use them to serve one another 1 Peter 4:10) . I was tagged by one of my mentors on  Watch The Yard Instagram post.   My mentor encouraged me to share my experience and advice, I agreed, my advice transformed into me having the opportunity to write an article for their website


That number does not include the number of "talks", I had with people inside and outside of the industry, that doesn't include the number of interviews I had,  that does not include the countless times I revised my resume and cover letter, that doesn't include the number of tears cried wondering when my opportunity would come, that number does not include unanswered messages sent to professionals or the many networking events