More Than Your Job Title
Black History Month
I have been trying to process the horrific loss of Kobe Bryant, his daughter GiGi and the lives of the other individuals that were on that helicopter. I could not help but observe the people who were mourning him. Let me be clear, I did not grow up watching Kobe or studying his moves. I knew that he played with Shaq, for the Lakers and that was about it, however, even though I did not know him or watch him I felt the absence of him. In feeling his absence I had to take time away to get in tune with my feelings and emotions, I could not for the life of me understand why I was sad. In this time, I decided to research Kobe and his legacy. His legacy spans beyond the court, the articles I read about him, the interviews they were about his character, him being a relentless #girldad, an amazing husband, and creator.
He was so much more than his job title
He was more than a basketball player
He was more than someone that played for the Lakers
He was more than someone that can put points on the board
The Mamba Mentality was not something that he used on the court, it was a way of life for him. Him having a desire to perfect his craft in basketball and be there for his kids is what prompted him to start looking at helicopters-> so he did not have to compromise his career or missing out on precious moments with his family.
When I started my career, I thought that I always had to pick between my career or my family, for me, I never wanted to get married or have kids because I thought I had to choose. After meeting my fiancee, I realized that I didn't have to choose, Kobe did not want to choose-> he used the time and resources he had to find a way to maximize both.
I am not saying go get a helicopter, I do understand that we all do not have Kobe money. What I am saying is that to be crowned personally and professionally that it is important to put systems, resources in place that will allow us to not only perform well at our jobs but in our lives outside of our jobs. Kobe did not just have the Mama Mentality on the court-> he was just as great in the roles off the court as he was on the court.
Kobe Words on Mamba Mentality- Fast Forward to 0:59
Here's the thing, we never know when our expiration date is, time is of the essence: When you leave this earth, leave doing what God called you to do. Everyone on that plane left this Earth doing what they loved:
-> Coaching
-> Preparing for the game they love
-> Being a #GirlDad
“You are more than your job title - So Much More .... T’Edra”