Recovering From My Reduction In Force

Recovering From My Reduction In Force

Recently, I was apart of my company reduction in force and I did not know what the recovering process would look like but I was not concerned about what it would look like, I wanted to savor every moment of what so many of my friends called a "blessing in disguise".

Being apart of a reduction in force can be traumatizing and stressful and whether it is a traumatizing experience or not, I have some jewels that will crown you during this experience.

Jewel #1: Take the time to bask in your emotions, whatever you are feeling, permit yourself to feel it if you're sad, be sad, if you're happy to be happy, but whatever it is feel it. This allows you to move forward with a clear head.

Jewel #2: I strategized, I researched the role that I wanted, saw which companies had the openings for that role and checked to see if I had anyone in my network that worked at the company to gain insight about the overall company culture and role. For me I knew what was important to me, I knew I desired following:

  • Ongoing training and development

  • Belonging (I wanted to be apart of a company that had Employee Resource Groups)

  • To be valued as a person

  • To be paid what I am worth 

  • To align myself with a company who values I believe in and vice versa

Jewel #3: If you weren't you should be networking, I always kept my resume updated and was networking so by the time the company reorganization came I was prepared to move forward with a clean and crisp resume and I had the chance to work my network that I cultivated overtime.

Jewel #4: Continued to exercise and read my devotionals- I did not stop doing the things that gave me pure joy. I thanked God- I thanked God because I knew that reduction in force wasn't something that I planned for but he prepared me and my heart for this and in knowing that I know that I am in his will and this is his way of carrying me to the crowning moment which is my new career.

annnnd that I am grateful for.

Company reduction in forces is not always beautiful but it is a chance for you to learn, grow, re -strategize and focus on how to move forward into something that more aligns with what you desire or to something that challenges you on a deeper level. 

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