Crowned Amid Covid | Corporate America Edition

Crowned Amid Covid | Corporate America Edition

With the sudden shift of Covid , this has forced some companies to allow their employees to work from home. Working from home has its benefits but I want to drop some jewels for the kings and queens who are adjusting to the #remotelife 

Jewel #1: Keep your morning routine. Keeping your morning routine helps you prepare for whatever you may face on the other side of that laptop.

Jewel #2: Create a designated space for you to work and focus. This will allow you to focus on work, sometimes being at home can cause many distractions however working from home doesn't have to be distracting. Find a space that will allow you to stay alert and focus (i.e home office, kitchen table ) For my parents, you can create a workspace for your children as well, their designated place to accomplish school or work or play while you are on your phone and video calls.

Jewel #3: Don't work in your bed. Your bed is a sacred space don't work into your bedroom. It is not healthy as a beginner in working from home, you don't want to slip up sleeping on the people (lol).

Jewel #4: Whatever time you typically leave your physical office - get off at that same time if you are working from home. Don't overextend yourself, you can lose focus or potentially get fatigued. 

Jewel #5: Be online: Available unless you're in meetings or life requires otherwise. One of the major keys I have learned from working from home is being online and communicate when you can't by using your availability (i.e busy, away, out - of- office ).

Jewel #6: Take a break, do not work through your lunch. As you work from home you need to take breaks, get fresh air and or watch t.v. You need breaks to help stay focused and refreshed.

 Covid does not have to stop you from living a Crowned Life in Corporate America, you can do this, you were called to do this and you will do this. This has allowed us to change the way we work, this will force managers to trust their teams more, it will force us to find and incorporate family and work. You can show up and be all that you are called to be in the midst of this.

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