Now The Time Has Come

The book of Joshua opens with a clear succession plan in place. With Moses' passing, the people mourn, and God speaks directly to Joshua, revealing that the time has come for Israel to enter the Promised Land. Joshua is chosen for this pivotal role, and in this moment, God imparts a divine blueprint to him—one that includes the promise of the land, the plan for their journey, and the provision necessary to see it through. This marked the beginning of a new chapter for Israel, with Joshua leading them forward in faith and obedience to God's call.

The Chief Cornerstone: Confidence, Courage, and Conviction

Jesus Christ, our cornerstone, is the foundation upon which all life is built. His love is not just an act of sacrifice but a call to rise into the legacy of faith we have inherited. As we meditate on His love, let it propel us to live with deeper conviction—not for our glory but to declare His Lordship in every aspect of our lives.

My Locs Growth Journey: Year 1 vs. Year 3

In "A Journey of Growth: Year 1 vs. Year 3 of My Locs," I reflect on the parallels between my locs and spiritual growth. From the frizzy beginnings of year one, filled with impatience, to the flourishing maturity of year three, we learn that true transformation requires time, care, and faith. As Galatians 6:9 reminds us, perseverance yields a bountiful harvest in both our hair journeys and our spiritual lives. Embrace the process and trust in God’s timing, for every stage serves a purpose. If you’re seeking clarity in your growth, let’s connect through Clarity Coaching Calls.

From Garages to Grace: Embracing Responsibility and Divine Guidance

Recently, I've faced challenges with our garage, often relying on my husband to fix issues until I discovered that covered sensors were the problem. This made me realize how frequently I've avoided responsibility, similar to how we sometimes distance ourselves from God rather than seek His guidance, risking the richness of His intended life for us.

Gods Attentive Detail

Lord, thank You for Your profound attention to every detail of my life. I am grateful that You see, hear, and know my struggles and that You are always willing to meet me where I am. Help me to trust in Your care and to recognize the many ways You reach out to rescue and guide me.

Building a Thriving Home: Partnering with God

Our church's recent Desperate for Jesus conference focused on the theme "Home," based on Proverbs 14:1. This inspired a devotional exploring the concept of home, emphasizing the importance of partnering with God for a thriving household. As women shift from striving for independence to seeking ease and rest, it's crucial to turn from self-reliance to intimacy with God, and from self-sabotage to suffering for the Savior.

Unveiling Joy: Finding Freedom in God's Presence

Discover the transformative power of shedding our masks and embracing the restorative presence of Jesus, who offers boundless joy and peace without judgment. Through encounters with Him, we find freedom to embrace our true selves, guided by the Father's invitation to find solace and eternal pleasures in His presence.

Embracing True Freedom: A Devotional on John 8:31-32

Reflecting on instances where I found myself code-switching, I realized it stemmed from a lack of confidence in myself. Code-switching became a way to mold myself into someone I thought others would accept, leading me to prioritize pleasing others over pleasing Jesus. It was a journey of seeking acceptance from others while neglecting the unconditional acceptance from Him, flaws and all.

The Most With The Lesser

In times of adversity, it is natural to feel isolated and inadequate. However, it is precisely in these moments that our faith and resilience are tested. Like the Israelites, we must recognize that there is a greater purpose at play—a divine plan unfolding despite our immediate struggles.

Faith Beyond Limits: The Impact of Prayer and Fasting

In Matthew 17:20-21, Jesus teaches us that faith as tiny as a mustard seed can move mountains, but some challenges require prayer and fasting for resolution. Recently facing stress-induced pain, I sought conventional remedies without success until realizing the need for fasting and prayer. This experience taught me the transformative power of delving into God's character, dispelling doubt, and embracing spiritual disciplines for healing and growth.

A 5-Step Formula for Focus

January 2024 exceeded all my prayers and expectations. The abundance of blessings witnessed in January stemmed from my unwavering commitment to remain grounded in my God-given purpose and my determination to remain steadfast in the presence of the Savior, for the weight of the crown was not an option to bear lightly. I was designed to rule and reign.