The Most With The Lesser

The Most With The Lesser

Exodus 5:1-21 is about doing the most with less. At this point, God has told Moses and Aaron to go to Pharaoh and ask him to let His people go. God has also warned them that Pharaoh's heart will be hardened. After initially resisting God, Moses and Aaron go to Pharaoh, who attributes their request to the Israelites being lazy and having too much time on their hands to think about worshiping God. Pharaoh then demands that the Israelites continue making bricks but, instead of providing them with straw, they will have to find their own while still meeting the same quotas.

The overseers went to Pharaoh to appeal, but he wasn't willing to listen. As they left, they ran into Moses and Aaron and blamed them for Pharaoh's actions, accusing them of putting a sword in the hands of Pharaoh and his officials to kill them.

Maybe you've faced the expectation to accomplish more in your career with fewer tools, processes, and resources.

  • You are expected to lead the team without any training or clear directives.

  • You are expected to deliver results without the proper systems or support.

  • You are expected to meet quotas without adequate data.

You are expected to produce more (insert whatever it is here) with less (insert whatever it is here).

Organizations want to attract top talent while paying the least amount possible. They seek the appearance of diversity, equity, and inclusion without investing the necessary time and resources to genuinely support these efforts. People want to enjoy the benefits of the kingdom without taking the time to dismantle the existing cultural practices.

Many times, we find ourselves in the middle, like the Israelites, pressured to perform according to society's ways, not realizing or understanding that there is a bigger picture at play. I can’t lie; I would blame Moses and Aaron too for making things worse (without remembering how our cries for help in Exodus 2:23 led to this moment).

The expectation to do the most with less can leave us feeling isolated, inadequate, and underqualified. However, these are experiences where God's glory has the chance to manifest the most.

The Kingdom Career Collective will help you uncover your fears and frustrations, find freedom from societal pressures and workplace dynamics, and learn how to navigate these challenges with grace and confidence. We'll provide you with transformative tools to break free from the cycle of comparison and embrace your unique path.

Embracing True Freedom: A Devotional on John 8:31-32

Embracing True Freedom: A Devotional on John 8:31-32

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