The Power of Dependency: Yielding Fruit Beyond Effort

The Power of Dependency: Yielding Fruit Beyond Effort

Last month, I had the chance to speak to eleventh and twelfth graders about how the girl who grew up being teased for having big eyes and big lips ended up becoming the queen of her college. I shared how I accomplished this goal in the SMART Goals Framework. I shared how although I didn't have the latest and greatest of all the new shoes I couldn't change that the one thing that I could change and control was my brain and how I used it to attract opportunities. Once I was done with my speech I showed them all my crowns, the one that I use for the business, the one that wore when I was queen, the one wore when I hosted the first annual queen's tea, and the one that was the smallest yet the most impact the crown that had the thorns that didn't allow me to forget who my identity was in.

You can create the SMART Goals but know that it's the Savior that provides the strength to execute the strategy.

What we depend on can determine our destiny. When  I was depending on my strengths I worked hard yet my efforts barely yielded any fruit. When I depended on God my name was spoken into rooms that I had no idea about. My dependency was on God not my works, experience, or expertise. I later discovered that as they were planning for the event, my name was recommended by one person but I had relationships with other decision-makers in the room they had been watching and observing. My dependency on God yielded so much fruit that I had an overflow of speaking engagements that I had to start recommending opportunities to people. When we depend on God, he develops character qualities within us as we grow in faith. They are called the Fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, Galatians 5:22-23). These character qualities make us beautiful from the inside out. Our world is obsessed with outward beauty, but God is concerned about developing our inner beauty. 

Remember to remain curious!
Our curiosity leads us to discover the depths of Christ and he is the ultimate content creator.  When we discover the jewels within using Christ as the standard, not the culture we start to realize that God did his thing when he created us. I want to invite you to register and join us for our upcoming workshop, "A Reign Above: Overcoming Competition and Comparison," taking place on February 21st and 22nd. Together, let's embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, unlocking the treasures within ourselves.

Navigating Hardened Hearts: Insights, Impacts, and Ways Forward

Navigating Hardened Hearts: Insights, Impacts, and Ways Forward

The Symphony Within: Discovering the Intrinsic Harmonies

The Symphony Within: Discovering the Intrinsic Harmonies