Beyond the Countdown: Navigating the New Year Spectrum with Faith and Purpose

Beyond the Countdown: Navigating the New Year Spectrum with Faith and Purpose

The arrival of the New Year brings with it joy, laughter, and boundless cheer. For some, it marks a moment of reflection and the establishment of new goals – a time to earnestly pursue those dreams that may have been delayed for various reasons. On the other hand, there are those for whom the New Year symbolizes shattered dreams and hearts in pain, leaving little to be cheerful about. While grateful for the gift of life, they grapple with the struggle to discern the meaning behind it all. Additionally, there are individuals caught in the middle, attempting to make sense of it all.


Having personally experienced the spectrum encompassing all three perspectives, I can deeply empathize with these varied feelings and emotions. Regardless of where you find yourself on this New Year Spectrum, it's crucial to recognize that God sees you. We all have a role to play in supporting our fellow sisters and brothers on this remarkable journey called the CROWNED Life.


1. Optimistic Dream Pursuers:

a. Initiate your goal-setting by prioritizing God. Take a moment for self-reflection, using God as your foundational guide to build your dreams. Instead of being swayed by social media feeds, focus on what God has ordained for you. Amidst the influx of emails filled with tempting deals, sales, classes, and growth opportunities, resist feeling overwhelmed. Begin with God, shaping your moves based on the private guidance received. This proactive partnership ensures strategic moves in alignment with your God-given assignment.

b. The payoff extends beyond personal growth, saving you time, money, and headaches. This approach fosters adaptability, making you lean and agile, ready to support others on their journeys.


2. Disheartened and Reflective Individuals:

a. Entering 2020 without clear vision, I found myself in a New Year's Eve Service, deeply disheartened. I had interviewed with my dream company, an opportunity that came to me without solicitation. However, the news hit hard—they chose another candidate before Christmas. Returning to a workplace where I felt unappreciated, and the actual culture didn't align with what the website portrayed, compounded my disappointment. It seemed everyone was leaving except me, and my subsequent interview failures left me stuck at the first round.


As I sat in church, my heart heavy, I grappled with the feeling that my career was fading, just one year post-graduate school. Meanwhile, my pastor delivered sermons while grieving the loss of his father in November and his wife in December. Despite having reasons to be grateful—no personal losses—I struggled to overcome the sense that God had forgotten about me. My hope rested on witnessing my pastor share insights on navigating grief.


During this time, I became susceptible to heightened competition and comparison. It became imperative to laser-focus on heart and soul care. The soul, comprising the mind, will, and emotions, holds the key to experiencing the fullness of God. Neglecting or damaging any of these aspects can create a separation. A broken heart, especially, poses a significant threat to the destiny God has for us, impacting not only our physical health but also our emotional well-being on a profound level.

  b.  Benefits include recognizing the power of God to use and restore broken pieces, leading to transformation and restoration in the career journey. Surrendering brokenness to God's healing touch results in a purpose that is more fulfilling.

  c. Personal testimony of 2020 - In an unexpected turn, 2020 unfolded as a year of profound transformation and restoration in my career journey. Experiencing a layoff, I navigated through temporary assignments and sought guidance from a career coach. This coaching emphasized the significance of decluttering not only my physical space but also my spirit, mind, and heart.


Remarkably, this period yielded three job offers, and the position I ultimately accepted aligned perfectly with the salary amount I had fervently prayed for. To add to the providence, my manager and most team members shared a common belief. In gratitude, I declare, "Amen," and acknowledge the charge to extend a helping hand to liberate others on their respective paths.


3. Navigating the Uncertainty:

a. Those in this stage are prone to the influences of competition, comparison, and potential compromise on morals or beliefs at alarming rates. It is imperative to invest time in becoming rooted and grounded to prevent being swayed by every passing wind. Although roots are unseen, they play a crucial role, and nurturing them is essential for yielding positive outcomes.


b. The advantage of establishing deep roots is found in the unwavering pursuit of one's purpose, independent of the approval of others. Anchoring oneself in the Word and worship cultivates a resolute commitment to ensuring that God's purposes take precedence. This forms a robust foundation for personal growth and equips individuals to provide support to others on their journeys

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