What Are The Benefits of Scripture?

What Are The Benefits of Scripture?

The benefits of scripture can be found in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 | New International Version

2 Timothy 3:16-17 is Paul's Charge to Timothy, his son in the faith. 

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Now, let's break it down and dissect it! 

All scripture is - refers to every word, every chapter, not lacking a word (whole)

God-breathed and - refers to who- all scripture is the breath of God. His words and no one else; he used people to share their accounts, but his breath inspired their words. 

Valid for - This provides an answer to the subject.

teaching - ideas taught by authority 

rebuking - expressing disapproval - this is to show the things that God does not approve of

correcting - to put right 

and training - the act of instilling a principle or expertise in someone. This is also my favorite because God sent Jesus, and Jesus built a training program of 12 that resulted in a body of believers worldwide. 

How? in righteousness What does that mean?

Acting in accord with the divine: free from guilt or sin.


vs. 17 so that (who) the servant of God 

maybe (how) thoroughly (lacking nothing ) equipped for every good work. My favorite part of this is the fact that Jesus would never have us go through situations unprepared. He is not like the employers that give us tasks that we are unprepared for or out of the scope of our job roles and duties. We are made in God's image, and he understands the breadth, start, and end. There isn't a place we can go with God unprepared. We may feel unprepared and ill-equipped, but his word will prepare us for the now and next. 

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