Are You Willing To Take The Steps?

Are You Willing To Take The Steps?

This year for vacation, Ed decided to go to Hawaii. Maui specifically! Ed is typically the planner of our vacations. When he planned our vacation this year, it was hard for me to see that we would have the finances to go on vacation this year (one of the things I love about Ed is the fact that he has CONSISTENT CRAZY FAITH).

He saw the vision when I couldn't! He saw the staircase when I couldn't even think about the first step. At the end and beginning of our vacation, I apologized for not being able to see the entire vision and thanked him for a much-needed vacation for us both.

This vacation provided me with 3 jewels to drop:

Jewels #1. It's important and it's a blessing to have someone in your corner that sees the vision from an ariel view perspective. I am a step-by-step person, Ed is an aerial view, big-picture person. You need both of them to accomplish the assignment of two becoming one.

Jewels #2. Two becoming one is like two people becoming one person. Some things will have to stay and some will have to go. As a couple with the guidance of God, we determine what stays and what goes for the betterment of the relationship ( not our friends, family, co-workers, Pookie or Bobbie and nem!

Jewel #3. Ed is the man that God entrusted to lead me. Submitting to him doesn't mean I am beneath him or behind him. It means that I am his partner and that if he does something crazy submitting is me ducking so God can hit him first instead of me. LOL! I said all that to say this in many cases in our relationship by the time I have thought about something specific or felt the need to comment on something, God has already given Ed permission to go in the direction or redirect him to where he should be.

Are you willing to take the first steps when you don’t see the staircase?

Are you willing to trust the people God placed in your life to lead you?

The jewels of knowledge and wisdom I gain in my relationship, allow me to crown other women and men who are seeking Godly relationships.

Let me know if you would like me to drop jewels about relationships in the comments below!

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