The Dangers of Overworking: Creating Margin for the Messiah

The Dangers of Overworking: Creating Margin for the Messiah

You were not created to be on the go 24/7. The hustle culture may convince you that busyness is a badge of honor, but the reality is that constant activity leads to burnout, compromised work quality, and a focus on what you're producing instead of what God is producing in you. The good news is that we can learn to embrace rest as a part of our walk with God. Here are three essential reasons why creating a margin for the Messiah is critical for your spiritual health and productivity.

1. You Will Burn Out
If you continue to push yourself without rest, eventually, you'll burn out. Burnout isn’t just about being physically tired—it affects your emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Constantly being on the go drains you, leaving little energy for creativity, spiritual growth, or your relationship with God.

God calls us to rest, and it's not just a suggestion—it’s a necessity. Exodus 20:9-10 (NIV) says, "Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it, you shall not do any work."* He set the example by resting on the seventh day, and we are designed to follow that pattern.

2. The Quality of Your Work Will Be Compromised
I used to struggle with this a lot, often blaming it on my lack of attention to detail. In reality, much of the quality of my work suffered because I was always on the go. Constant busyness doesn't give you the space for fresh revelation or the creativity needed to carry out tasks as God intends. When you're running on empty, the quality of your work inevitably declines. You might still get things done, but they likely won’t reflect the excellence or intentionality that comes from being well-rested and focused. The more you push without taking time to rest, the more errors, mistakes, and mediocre results you'll produce.

Rest allows you to reset, recharge, and return to your tasks with fresh energy and creativity. God wants us to work with excellence, but we can't do that when we’re always running on fumes.

3. You’ll Start to Depend on What You're Producing, Not What's Being Produced in You
One of the biggest dangers of constantly being on the go is that you start measuring your worth by your productivity. Instead of focusing on what God is doing in you—the work He’s producing through your heart and character—you become consumed by what you're outwardly producing. But God is more concerned with who you are becoming than what you're achieving.

Philippians 2:13 (NIV) reminds us, “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” When you prioritize rest and create margin for the Messiah, you allow God to shape you, renew you, and grow you from the inside out.

A Final Thought
You were not created to be in constant motion. When you ignore your need for rest, you risk burnout, compromised work quality, and losing sight of the work God is doing within you. By creating margin for the Messiah, you’re giving God space to renew your strength, refresh your spirit, and deepen your relationship with Him.

Need Help Implementing This in Your Life?

If you're struggling to create a margin for the Messiah and find yourself constantly on the go, I’m here to help. My calendar is open for Clarity Coaching Calls. Together, we can assess your schedule, identify areas where you can prioritize rest, and create a personalized plan that will allow you to be more productive and spiritually grounded. Let’s work together to ensure you're not just producing work but growing in what God is producing in you.

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