Lean and Light: How Being a Kingdom Pusher Shapes Corporate Success

Lean and Light: How Being a Kingdom Pusher Shapes Corporate Success

Hi- my name is T’Edra and I have a passion for bringing Christ to Corporate spaces, a kingdom pusher.

Recently, I was asked about concerns regarding pushback or boundaries related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), or about potentially excluding those of different beliefs while integrating faith at work. My response? Pushback is inevitable, whether at work or beyond. However, embracing religious diversity aligns with legal mandates against discrimination, turning challenges into learning opportunities for all involved. Integrating faith into the workplace isn't always vocal; often, it's reflected in our actions, conduct, and how we tackle obstacles.

Lets Talk:

John 16: 33 “I told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world, you will have trouble. But be brave! I have defeated the world!”

Scripture tells us we will have trouble, we will experience pushback but don’t forget the second part of the scripture reminds us we have a Father that has defeated it all on our behalf.

Being a kingdom advocate doesn't necessarily entail overt religious displays in the workplace; rather, it's about embodying a light that directs back to Jesus through compassion and bridge-building, not erecting barriers.

Personally, I've committed to not compromising my faith, sharing it openly in interviews, and finding roles that allow me to shine God's light.

We are in March and I sit in awe not because I am wondering where the time has gone but because of what it took for me to produce the promises that God had for me. Being a kingdom pusher requires intentional time in the presence of God- My study time has evolved (and still will continue to evolve as I mature in Christ) I was reading and enjoying my time in Proverbs and God took me to Psalm 119, 5

Psalm 119: 4-6 

4 You have charged us to keep your commandments carefully.
5 Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your decrees!
6 Then I will not be ashamed when I compare my life with your commands.

A few of the things that I have had to overcome were unbelief, competition, and comparison – these are the things that are not consistent with the commands of God and when my actions are not consistent I do feel shame but when I was in alignment consistently allowing God to reveal the brokenness, he builds me in a manner that’s consistent with his promise and plans and shame is no longer a thing, it becomes boldness testify and tell how I overcame. Intentional study time can at first seem inconvenient and not within your routine or your preferred method but we have to realize that God isn’t interested in our routines he desires relationships and just because it’s not our preferred method, doesn’t mean that the plan isn’t purposed.


This process has taught me to be lean, between January and February  I have spoken six times between work and assignments, and between the 2nd and 3rd my husband and I got sick. Speaking can be easy but the preparation requires much time even with my husband and me being sick I never skipped a beat, we took the time to recover and rest but the assignments were fulfilled. Being lean required us to switch up how we fast and when we fast, it required us to change our diet the foods that we were eating and the portions because let’s be honest ( you must be in shape to carry the crown if not you find yourself crushing under its weight)

Lastly, I will leave you with this- I love the work that I do not because I am soooooooo great at it (although I am) but from aligning my posture with God's plans. Embracing His purpose allows me to rest in the rhythms of grace, rather than forcing myself through the grind, making a profound difference in my life and work, and that has made all the difference.

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