Positioned with Power

Positioned with Power

Power is something that many people crave; it is something for which individuals will sell their souls, morals, mama, and ideals.

People go to earth's ends to achieve and/or maintain power.

In the case of power, people become unrecognizable, uncoachable , and untrainable.


I have seen and studied their people use their power for the betterment of others, I have also seen and studied people who have used their power to demean and take advantage of others

This notion of being positioned with power isn’t new throughout scripture we see examples of those with power who uses it with wisdom and other who chooses not to.

  • Esther using her power to save her people (Esther 8) , Hamon trying to use his power to kill off an entire race of people (Esther 5:9-14)

  • Jesse  his power to exclude David when Samuel came to anoint one of his sons as the next king ( 1 Samuel 16:6-13), David used his power to  get with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11)

  • Delilah uses her power to take advantage of Samson( Judges 16:4-,10) Samson uses his power to push over pillars of the temple of the Philistine god Dagon, destroying the temple and thousands of other Philistines. (Judges 16: 29-30)


It shouldn’t come as a surprise that power is one of the main things that people seek out, power is defined as:

  • the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality.

  • the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events


This is what I loved about Jesus. He was the ultimate king yet born in a manger. Many things he could have done yet he chose not to do them (talking about self-control and truly understanding the assignment at hand)


We have the same power within us to lead, guide, teach, coach, heal, deliver, revive, rejuvenate, and restore because we are heirs and he gave us the power of the Holy Spirit. One of the things that genuinely breaks my heart is that we don't grasp the power we have, but I know of a woman who did. Some may know and some may not know her, her name is Deborah. She was a prophet and judge. She held court under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, and the Israelites went up to her to have their disputes decided. (Judges 4:5)


Deborah's position as a prophet is unique in that she was given the ability to teach truth and interrupt the word of God; these abilities enabled her to judge those arguments in a righteous manner.

We frequently desire cultural influence that produces earthly results rather than kingdom influence that produce eternal rewards.

Deborah's position of power enabled her to win wars, compose praise songs, and resolve disputes. Her power was given to her by a higher authority; this is the level of surrender required for God's power to flow through you.

I want to cordially invite you to join us for the CROWNED LIFE BIBLE Study, we are diving into the characteristics of Deborah that we can use as we navigate corporate spaces. Join us on May 25, 2023. We will have a special Guest Tilesa Robinson, trust you don’t want to miss the jewels we will be dropping and the special announcement as it relates to the Kingdom-Minded Corporate Living Experience.

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Experiencing God's Kingdom In Corporate Spaces

Experiencing God's Kingdom In Corporate Spaces

Kingdom Minded Corporate Living

Kingdom Minded Corporate Living