2 Ways To Unplug On Vacation

2 Ways To Unplug On Vacation

As you know Ed and I went to Maui for vacation, it's an annual celebration in the Knoxkandin' Household.

Let's be clear! You are not the energizer bunny, you are going and going will produce burn out, stress and can decrease your productivity. According to an article on Fast Company "while checking work emails shows how dedicated you are to your job, not taking the time - off can make you less productive at work because you have not given your brain time to recharge. Unplugging allows you to be present and in the moment!

The two ways I unplug consist of the following:

Jewel #1-Go completely off the grid.


During our previous vacations, I went completely off the grid, if someone needed to access me, they had to call Ed's phone to connect with me. We used one phone during the entire vacation. This allowed me to be present and in the moment. This allows me to rest and rejuvenate. This is great for my mental health.

Jewel # 2-I made myself available during certain times of the day.

I was available 2-3 hours in the morning and maybe in the evening. I only partiality unplugged because of Kingsskid Self Improvement Month Initiative. This allowed me to still be present yet not forgo the initiative of Kingsskid.

I love going completely off the grid, however, I am not sure what future vacations will look like. Taking vacations is for me to enjoy myself wherever I am, with my Ed and enjoy the nature around me. I work way too hard to pay to go somewhere for a vacation only to continuously be on my phone.

What are the ways you unplug from life and vacations?

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