5 Jewels To Help You Embrace The Shift

5 Jewels To Help You Embrace The Shift

They say the only constant thing is change, and I agree.

Life presents change that we can plan, prepare, and execute, but life also gives unexpected and unplanned change.

2020 presented us with a change that shifted our entire worlds upside down. Our routine instantly changed to stay-at-home orders, masks, hand sanitizers, gloves, and toilet tissue. 

In 2021 we are still trying to get through this pandemic; some have adjusted a little better, but let us be honest, there is still some way to go. I want to share with you some jewels that will allow you to embrace the shift and change that we experience on this CROWNED Life journey, and I feel that in a pandemic, you can be purposeful and still live a CROWNED Life amid Coronavirus. 

Jewel Dropping Time:

  1. Change Is To Bring Out What's Within You - There is a version of you that you have yet to meet. The change is to bring out what's within you, not destroy you. As we are experiencing the chang, we have to ask ourselves and God how this can prepare us for God's purpose. Remember he is the potter, and we are the clay (Jeremiah 18:4 He was making a pot from clay. But there was something wrong with the pot. So the potter used that clay to make another pot. With his hands, he shaped the pot the way he wanted it to be.) He has a vision for how we should look in the end, and he knows how to shake up things externally to get things internally to come forth

  2. It's Another Opportunity To Partner With God- God truly wants us to partner with him (it's called the Great Commission for a reason). The change that we experience should propel us to seek God and ask him how to use this for our glory. As I was changing, I cried, I was mad, I had a big attitude towards God, and I felt hurt and unseen, but in all of that, I never stopped seeking him because I knew that even in all those emotions, his presence was the best place for me and that he could handle it all.

  3. Acknowledge Your Disappointment, Don't Stay In The Place of Disappointment - Look!! One of the things that grind my gears is when people don't keep it real with God. Let him know you are disappointed. It is okay to be disappointed, but it is not okay to stay there. Acknowledge where you are but don't stay in it. Acknowledge those emotions, deal with them and develop a plan to move to a healthier version of yourself. Not doing so can cause you to move in a way that's not authentic to you. Don't send your representative to God. He can't bless who you pretend to be. He can bless who you truly are.

  4. Find The Celebration Within The Change- I now look for the opportunity to celebrate the change. The change forces me to find the good, great, and most importantly, God within the shift. Sometimes it's easy other times, it's a little more challenging; however, when I see him, I find a sense of peace, joy, and trust, not because of who he is but because he has a track record of always taking care of his children.

  5. Change Propels You On The CROWNED Life Journey- All the change I have experienced has allowed me to understand this journey. It takes both a GOD AND Growth mindset.

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