All tagged #recruitersblog
My mom, dad and sister was my first official remote team the skills I learned and enhanced from that experience and throughout my Master’s program are transferable to my corporate career (although I am new to the industry of Human Resources, I have the foundation and experiences to expand on – when the opportunity comes in my career for a remote team assignment I am confident and equipped)
In Corporate America, preparing for your one-on-one can be exhausting and daunting. In Intentional Living: the Anthology, I shared how I had the worst one-on-one performance review with my manager. He told me that it would take at least 10 years to get into the industry that I love. In actuality, it took me one degree and 18 months to get into Human Resources.
By taking my accountability partner's advice, I can present to you the ROYAL COURT, an article, I had the opportunity to write for Forty Magazine.
Her chapter, "Awakening Purpose" speaks to igniting her love for diversiTEA & inclusion.
There are two things that have helped me develop my time management skills during my morning routine.
That is why we have to stay rooted in Christ, we have to stay intentional about our actions and our relationships.
Lets TALK !!! Your gifts skills, talents and experiences are not for YOU. You are the vehicle (vessel) that God uses to advance his kingdom and serve others ( God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts-use them to serve one another 1 Peter 4:10) . I was tagged by one of my mentors on Watch The Yard Instagram post. My mentor encouraged me to share my experience and advice, I agreed, my advice transformed into me having the opportunity to write an article for their website
. I am one who is always willing to challenge myself, for a class assignment last semester, I was asked to contact mentors, peers and family members for advice. One of my mentors gave me a piece of advice that has really resonated with me, that advice was to "always do something that makes you have a pit at the bottom of your stomach."