5 Lessons I Learned From Greek Life

5 Lessons I Learned From Greek Life

These are jewels that also helped me take control and own my career.

April 21, 2015, I was initiated into the Lambda Nu Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Being a part of such an amazing sisterhood has given me exposure and opportunities to serve in capacities I never dreamed of.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was founded on January 13, 1913, by 22 collegiate women at Howard University to promote academic excellence and assist those in need. The major programs of the sorority are based upon the organization's Five-Point Programmatic Thrust. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated is an organization of college-educated women committed to its members' constructive development and public service with a primary focus on the Black community.

This year my line- sisters and I are celebrating our 5th anniversary in the bond of sisterhood. As we plan to celebrate in New Orleans, Louisiana, I wanted to share five lessons I learned about Greek Life.

1. Giving Back is vital and very important not just in Delta but all the Divine Nine Organizations (Click Here to learn about Divine Nine). We give back through mentoring, hosting back-to-school events, educating the individuals on money management, international awareness, voting rights, and so much more. In Greek Life, it is genuinely not about you; it is about serving a cause more significant than you and being selfless in your acts of giving.

2. Networking IS KEY- Greek Life helped me understand the importance of making and maintaining meaningful relationships and being in a sorority of so many ladies who are not only my sorors but also within my network. I have sorority sisters, ladies, and men who are members of other Divine Nine organizations that have and continue to help me navigate Life, love, and my career.

3. Being a mentor and a mentee- I have mentors and mentees in sororities and fraternities. Greek has allowed me to be a mentor and to be a mentee. Having and learning from mentors has helped me develop my skills, passions, and purpose. Being a mentor has challenged me to think critically and to hold myself accountable.

4. As I was writing this blog, I realized that I discovered one of my passions during my tenure as our Collegiate Chapter President. I noticed that my members were not operating at their full potential, and I could not understand why. One day I scheduled a training and development workshop with them to better understand how I could help develop my members and myself. After discussing and listening to them talk about their strengths and weaknesses, we discovered that I had assigned them to lead events they were not passionate about and events that were their weaknesses instead of their powers. At that moment, we decided to reorganize the leader of the events by their passions and found creative ways to help develop their weaknesses within the chapter. They were happier, and they KILLED THEIR EVENTS.

5. The last and one of the most important things I learned in Greek Life is to REST. Greek Life can be time-consuming and fulfilling simultaneously; it is a LIFETIME COMMITMENT. There is always something to do and somewhere to go; however, resting to ensure we are operating at our highest potential is vital to our committees, chapter, and the community we serve. Making sure to pause, rest and reflect allows us to approach the tasks ahead of us with a clear mind and heart. When we are well-rested, we can pour into each other, ourselves, and our community from our overflow.

Stay Crowned Kings and Queens 

Originally published December 2, 2018

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