What Can We Learn From These Brands?

What Can We Learn From These Brands?

As I thought about effective communications month, I thought about organizations with great brands for various reasons and the jewels we can take from each organization and apply to our lives. 

Jesus- The greatest of all time. When you think about a brand that didn't compromise on the work that he was called to do. He didn't code switch to make people comfortable. He didn't mind calling people out on their hypocrisy. He developed a training program of 12 that went out into the world to teach the gospel. His works have been translated into many languages and variations and still relevant and applicable over 2,000 years later. He is clear on where he stands on each and every topic under the sun.

Ben and Jerry's - Now, this is one organization that use their influence to change the world nationally and internationally. You don't have to guess where they stand on the following topics: 

Voting Rights

Racial Justice

LGBTQ Rights

Climate Justice

Campaign Finance Reform

Refugee Rights,

They tell you where they stand, educate you on the cause, and provide actionable steps to take. I follow their Instagram, and they explain things about the justice system that I knew nothing about, its not just about ice cream with Ben and Jerry's

Apple- Let me be clear I am no Apple user, but I observe Apple users' loyalty to the products. Talk disrespectful about Apply products to an Apple user, and you're likely to start a war, lol. They have developed an innovative brand; I have seen people stand in line for the new phone many early mornings during my retail working days. You don't get that type of loyalty by having a basic brand; you gain that type of loyalty through constant innovation and forward-thinking in the way you deliver products and services. 

Disney- This is the place that makes everything magical. Disney is a place that caters to both kids and adults. Disney provides more than rides; they provide an experience of fun and education. I have been to Disney at least 5 or 6 times. We had a Disney Tripsters club in middle school, where we went to Disney to learn and have fun. I was in that club for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade, lol! Disney is a place where storytelling is the core of the work that they do. 

CROWN- to- Action (CTA)

We can take something from each brand and take some time to answer these questions for your brand personally and professionally.

  1. What will you create that can outlive you? I pray that my past and future book projects can reach, teach, inspire, and CROWN the next generation. That's why the blog, books, masterclasses, and upcoming projects are essential. Constantly evolving and innovating.

  2. Who will you charge to continue the legacy? This is why mentoring is essential; when you drop a jewel in someone else CROWN, they take that jewel with them to go and empower the masses.

  3. What will you stand for? Kingsskid is a Christian Brand; we are all about Jesus and Jewels. We are about taking complex problems and concepts and breaking them down into bite-size biblical applications and revelations.

  4. Who will you cater to? Identifying your target audience and creating content that educates + equips your audience to carry out their excellent work.

  5. What are the things that you won't compromise on? I don't compromise on my faith!

Let me know in the comments which brands you would add to the list and why?.

Todays's Manna Music Monday is recommended by Shaletha Marshall of Creative Link Coaching - who specializes in empowering women to rebuild and restore the lives that take them from surviving to thriving after divorce

mary and matha-2.jpg

mary+ Martha

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