Code Switching Isn't A Characteristic of Jesus

Code Switching Isn't A Characteristic of Jesus

It's November, which is National Career Development Month; the National Career Development Association (NCDA) promotes career development through its annual celebration of National Career Development Month. Every November, career development professionals are encouraged to celebrate with career-related activities. 

I want to start the month off with the topic of Code-Switching. I want to share the following: 

  • Define Code Switching

  • Benefits

  • Ramifications

  • My Personal Story of Code- Switching 

  • The Biblical Truth

Let's get started on this CROWNED LIFE journey: 

I have the definitions of Code Switching, according to and urban dictionary. 

Linguistics. The alternating or mixed use of two or more languages, especially within the same discourse:

Sociolinguistics. the use of one dialect, register, accent, or language variety over another, depending on social or cultural context, to project a specific identity: the modifying of one's behavior, appearance, etc., to adapt to different sociocultural norms

Urban Dictionary 

Code-Switching is speaking in a particular way: using specific terms, references depending on who you're addressing/interacting with.


  • Likelihood of getting hired

  • Perception of being professional

  • Raises the chances of promotions


  • You compromise the core of who you are created and crowned to be

  • No one ever gets to experience your crown in all its glory

  • It can negatively impact your mental and emotional well being

My code: switching story: When I was working at one of my previous organizations, I introduced myself by my initials instead of calling me my name. I did this for two reasons 1, a leader I admired did the same thing, and 2. I felt it would help people feel comfortable remembering my name, and the initials were easy to remember. Now let me be clear, nothing is wrong with reason number 1; however, my reason number 2 was problematic because instead of giving people the opportunity to learn my name, I made them comfortable while sacrificing myself in the process. I know this was a problem because I never gave anyone my nicknames for initials at each place I worked afterward. I made them learn my name, and as relationships evolved, nicknames came along. Still, my name means supreme gift, what a way to minimize the gift of my name to make someone else comfortable because they consider it hard to pronounce. 

Now, I am a true believer that the core of who you are will always show up. When I started introducing myself with my initials, I was compromising my core. I don't compromise my core.

When I am speaking at my alma mater, I may say networking isn't a one time hit and quit it

when I am at work, I may say networking is essential for your personal and professional growth short and long term

my core message(networking is necessary) is the same no matter even though I switched rooms.  

Enough about me, let's talk about Jesus.

Biblical Truth About Code-Switching Jesus didn't code switch, and he was the messiah; he was clear about who he was and the work he came to do. 

Example #1: Jesus Calls Levi and Eats with Sinners

Example #2: Jesus Talks W/ A Samaritan Woman

Don't Diminish The Opportunity To Cultivate Your Gifts

Don't Diminish The Opportunity To Cultivate Your Gifts

Holistic Approach to Protecting Your Crown

Holistic Approach to Protecting Your Crown