Benefits of Personal Board of Directors

Benefits of Personal Board of Directors

I heard the term: Personal Board of Directors on many occasions. In each of the leadership development programs, I was accepted into a personal board of directors was discussed. I will say this “they were right”. Having a Board of Directors was vital in helping me navigate a job I didn’t like, to helping me upskilling, negotiating, and at my place of purpose. These are not people that I just randomly called, these are people that I cultivated a relationship.

A Board of Directors:: members are the fiduciaries who steer the organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as by making sure the nonprofit has adequate resources to advance its mission.

A Personal Board of Directors: members are the fiduciaries who steer the individual towards a sustainable future by providing sound, ethical, and legal guidance and financial stewardship, as well as by making sure the individual has adequate resources to advance his/her life mission through educating, advocating, training and developing.

  • Help You Navigate Life's Twist and Turns: As I stated in the previous blog "developing a board of directors," my board was my navigation system (aerial view precisely) when you think of The term aerial view can refer to any view from a great height, even at a wide-angle, for example when looking sideways from an airplane window. Which is the view that they provide me as I am navigating life step by step.

  • Monitors Overall Performance: I was more than my job title to my board; they didn't just care about me; they asked about Ed as well. It w was important because individuals on my board cared not just for me as a professional but also to make sure I showed in my home. Some members of my board have been married for 15+ years.

  • Invested in Your Development: Your board of directors is committed to your development. They are committed to helping you succeed. Just as an organization's board of directors is responsible for its long-term strategic plans and development, the same goes for your board.

If you wait until you need something to build your board… it’s too late.

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