Divinely Refined

Divinely Refined

As I was studying the word “Refined,” a quick google search produced the following statement, “ If you say that someone is refined, you mean that they are very polite and have good manners and good taste. ... refined and well-dressed ladies. Synonyms: cultured, civil, polished, tasteful More Synonyms of refined.”

Reading the above statement prompted the title of this blog, with a heavy emphasis on the divine because I genuinely want to push the fact that living the CROWNED Life and being Refined is not about the outside but what’s true on the inside. It’s taking an inside-out approach, and we confront our posture, thoughts, habits, and beliefs that are not conducive to us reigning and ruling in the way God has designed for us. I also found the synonyms provided funny.

  • Google Said Culture God Says Kingdom

  • Google Said Civil Jesus Didn’t Mind Casting Out Demons.

  • Google Said Polished God Desires Progress, Purity, Patience, and Peace; his love is Perfect for unperfect people.

  • Google Said Tasteful, which is interesting because everyone doesn’t have the same taste, but God Says taste and sees that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Psalm 34:8

Let me be clear being refined isn’t always an easy process, and it can sometimes bring tears, heartache, and pain. Yet it will produce a testimony, healing, and purpose. Being refined is about having a perspective and understanding of your Refiner and the benefits of the refining process.

Benefits of being Refined

Experience Jesus on another level

Look Like Jesus in your daily actions

Become a witness to others by sharing your refining process

Just as jewels have to go through a refining process to get into their perspective crowns, we must go through a journey to be purified to look like Christ. We are the jewels of Jesus. How precious, and we should never forget that.

You’re Invited

You're Defining; God Is Refining

You're Defining; God Is Refining