Lessons Learned From My Mentors

Lessons Learned From My Mentors

Having mentors in my life has been the best feeling in the world. I remember my mom introducing me to my first mentor before starting college. My first mentor was working on obtaining her J.D from Southern University; she gave me little nuggets of wisdom and made herself available anytime I needed her, and she still does. As I matriculated throughout my undergraduate program, my school introduced me to people who would also become my mentors. I am a big proponent of having more than one mentor; you do not wear the individual out, life can come at you fast, and yes, you need people to help you navigate life. Secondly, realize that in many cases, mentorship is FREE, and people do it to help others. Lastly, being a mentor and a mentee is a two-way street; it is okay to call your mentor and check on them; trust me, they will gladly appreciate it. 

No matter what background my mentors came from, what industry they served in, or what school my mentors attended, they taught me four valuable lessons.

Those lessons consist of:

1. One of my mentors told me to "do things that make me have a pit at the bottom of my stomach." Meaning not to be afraid to take risks and chances in life. Playing safe will keep you stagnant. All my mentors have done BOLD things and continue to do BOLD things in their life. They practice what they preach. They do not settle for safe, and they go above and beyond in all that they do. They are the epitome of living their BEST LIFE. They are TRILL (true and real).

2. BElieve in YOUrself- have confidence in your skills and ability. Every individual has a gift. 1 Peter 4:10-11 states, "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides so that in all things, God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen. (repeat it, Amen). Your gifts are not for you to be selfish with, you are to serve others with your contributions, and your skills should not always be free (that's another blog topic)

3. You do not have to compromise who you are to fit in. During my graduate school journey, I struggled mentally with whether or not I fit in or whether or not I deserved to be there. In those moments, I learned that I deserved to be there YES, and NO, I was not born to fit in. I learned to find the people with the right hearts and spirits that would challenge me, embrace me and grow with me. I saw people who I could do life with. My mentors helped prepare me BEFORE I started graduate school and were a phone call or text away during my graduate school journey. They understood my transition would be difficult and adjusting; they also had faith IN ME, pushed me, and would not let me give up.

4. My last and FAVORITE thing my mentors taught me- is to have faith and keep the faith- Faith will take you further than you have ever imagined. My mentors reinforced what I had been taught my entire life: to have faith and not just have faith but know that God will give you the desires of your heart.

My last jewel of knowledge and wisdom is never underestimating the power of mentoring.

You can find mentors and mentees virtually anywhere. The places that have worked for me the church, school, sorority, and work. Numerous programs are available and willing to mentor young adults. My mentors are the best! Being a mentor is truly a gift and art because I am a mentor and a mentee. I appreciate the love, unconditional support, and the shoulders my mentors have provided and STILL provide for me to this day. 

Below are programs that offer spiritual guidance and mentoring to young ladies and men

  1. Circular FLO{women): http://www.circularflo.org/

  2. Majestic Daughters Empowerment: https://www.majesticdaughtersempowerment.com/mentoring-services

Stay Crowned Kings and Queens

Originally published December 3, 2018

Rise To The Challenge

Rise To The Challenge

Lessons Learned From My Mentees

Lessons Learned From My Mentees